Monday, April 23, 2007

So it begins...

No...not the dawning of Aquarius, but rather pre-production, in earnest, on the first of what will hopefully be many endeavors in the creation of moving pictures. I call them movies.

Anyway. This is the place to be for frequent updates on "How to Make a No-Budget Movie." Your instructors will be F. Stephen Kirschbaum, whose talents are not limited to producing, editing, and working late in to the night on numerous technical things that I'm too feeble-brained to comprehend and Mike Baumann (that's me) who will be writing, directing, editing, and avoiding all contact with technical things (computers, phones, calculators, radio-controlled robots) whenever possible.

We'll be trying to keep this thing updated as much as humanly possible throughout the process, so please check back with us often to watch two guys from Minnesota fumble their way through producing a no-budget feature.

Until then, cheers. Check back soon.

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