Thursday, September 13, 2007

We're Back!

Well, I'm back. And it's been awhile. Quite a while. Here's the skinny on what's been happening lately.

Ink is almost finished, in script form, that is. A first draft was completed earlier in the summer, but first drafts are just that and it's time to get down to brass fasteners.

Stephen was good enough to pass along a link to a screenwriting competition that's taking place later this year and on in to the next. I'm pleased to announce that Ink will be entered. Submissions are due at the end of October, which should be just enough time to make the necessary adjustments and turn it in.

There's not a lot that needs reworking, but there will be a new element to the story that will be added, I think, to great benefit. So, cross your fingers for us. With a whole lot of luck, we could be invited to California early next year to share the script with a few, hopefully, interested folks in the industry.

With an astronomical amount of luck, we could pull out a win and take home $2,000 in cash prizes. In this scenario, we'd have half a camera paid for. So, let's hope.

In slightly more personal news, I have a new computer. This is of interest only because it now affords me the ability to get back to writing. I was forced to take a week off due to some severe smoking-laptop issues. I'll be treating this one more carefully to be sure. Perhaps I won't ash cigarettes directly in to the keyboard or spill Coke in to the vents.

Anyway, that's it for now. I'll be back sooner than later.